Опубликована статья: Khrapova K.O., Telezhkin A.A., Volkov P.A., Larina L.I., Pavlov D.V., Gusarova  N.K., Trofimov B.A. Oxidative cross-coupling of secondary phosphine chalcogenides with amino alcohols and aminophenols: aspects of the reaction chemoselectivity // Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. – 2021. – V. 19. – Iss. 23. – P. 5098-5107. IF 3,876. Q1 (БАЦКП). 21.06.2021. DOI: 10.1039/d1ob00287b

Abstract: Secondary phosphine chalcogenides react with primary amino alcohols under mild conditions (room temperature, molar ratio of the initial reagents 1 : 1) in a CCl4/Et3N oxidizing system to chemoselectively deliver amides of chalcogenophosphinic acids with free OH groups. Under similar conditions, mono-cross-coupling between secondary phosphine chalcogenides and 1,2- or 1,3-aminophenols proceeds only with the participation of phenolic hydroxyl to give aminophenylchalcogenophosphinic O-esters. The yields of the synthesized functional amides or esters are 60–85%.

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